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Product evaluation by John Corey DDS. Sponsored by Garrison Dental.
Although direct composite restorations are a part of the everyday workflow for most dentists, we tend to have a love/hate relationship with these restorations. They can often be difficult, frustrating, and time consuming. It is no simple task to create a proper emergence profile, achieve good contour, and end up with tight interproximal contacts. It is even more difficult to achieve all of this while maintaining a marginal seal.
When restoring posterior teeth, we have several tools available that help us overcome these challenges. We have the option of choosing between traditional circumferential matrix systems, or more modern sectional matrix systems with a wide variety of band shapes and sizes. We even have the option of stacking multiple matrix bands together to improve efficiency. Unfortunately, we are not afforded the same luxury when it comes to anterior matrix systems.
Unlike the bands we use in the posterior, the vast majority of anterior matrix bands are flexible and have seen very little innovation over the years. These bands are relatively thick, require manipulation during composite placement, and tend to deform easily. All of this has a propensity to create a very technique sensitive approach that can lead to irregular contours and less than ideal outcomes.
Thankfully, there is a new product on the market that brings a modern approach to anterior restorations. Garrison Dental Solutions recently released their new Fusion Anterior Matrix System, designed for class III and class IV restorations, that they claim will make it easier for clinicians to achieve higher quality restorations. That is a bold claim, but after working with the product for a several months, I could not agree more.
This new system is different from anything else currently available to dentists. Garrison has incorporated contemporary materials to create ultra-thin, yet rigid matrix bands with built-in anatomically correct contours. This system also brings to the table new wedges with a radical curvature and a unique cross-sectional T shape. These wedges are able to sit deeper in the interproximal space to minimize the creation of black triangles and have the advantage of creating more wedging surface area as they wrap around the tooth. As a result of these refinements and the versatility of this system, I have had tremendous success in improving my anterior restorations.
A major reason for this improvement has been the decreased need for me to fuss over my marginal seal during matrix band placement and restoration. I usually spend a lot of time on matrix band placement in order to ensure a tight marginal seal because I know that any shortcomings in this area will cause my restoration to fail. After I started using the Fusion system, I have found this step to be significantly easier and more hassle free. Because the bands are thin, stiff, and thoughtfully shaped, they slide easily into the sulcus with little manipulation. Once in the sulcus, the innovative wedges that come with this system are able to ratchet the bands into place and hold them firmly up against the tooth. What is even more impressive about this system is the ability to maintain this marginal seal during composite injection and placement. With other flexible systems, I frequently had a problem with the matrix band wanting to deform and pull away from the tooth as I injected and packed my composite into the preparation. The rigidity of this system completely eliminates this complication and has given me more confidence and control over this step in the restoration.
Another area that I have noticed improvement in after using this system is the creation of a proper emergence profile and interproximal contact area. With flexible systems, I often worried that the matrix band would pull away from the adjacent tooth or deform as I was shaping the composite, leaving me with an irregular emergence profile and a light or open contact. The rigidity and curvature of the new Fusion system solves both of these problems and also eliminates the need to alter these interproximal surfaces after curing. Additionally, at only 0.0015 inches thick, these bands are significantly thinner than other matrix systems. This feature makes achieving great interproximal contacts much easier and more predictable. Another unique feature of this system is the ability to customize the contact point location. There are two different sizes of matrix bands and both of them are tapered. This allows for a wide variety of contact point location and shapes to choose from. This is certainly a more advanced feature of this product that I did not start picking up on until recently, but it has quickly become one of my favorite things about these new bands.
The improvement in the quality of my restorations is not the only thing that I have noticed since using the new Fusion system. I have also noticed a significant improvement to the efficiency with which I am able to achieve this high-quality work. The ease of use of the product definitely helps when it comes to how long these restorations take me to complete; however, the main reason for the improved efficiency stems from the versatility of this system. Unlike with other anterior matrix systems, the Fusion system allows me to confidently and predictably stack matrix bands similarly to how I prefer to restore posterior teeth. Thanks to the rigidity, stability, and ultra-thin nature of this system, I can simultaneously restore back-to-back preparations on adjacent teeth, as well as mesial and distal preparations on the same tooth. I was hesitant to attempt this aggressive technique at first, but now I shudder to think of going back to restoring my preparations one at a time.
With this new modern approach to restoring anterior teeth, Garrison has made achieving high quality outcomes easier, faster, and more predictable. Since I stated using this system, I have been consistently completing anterior restorations with tighter contacts, better contours, improved marginal integrity, and all at a faster rate. I am thankful that Garrison has once again challenged the status quo and brought some much-needed innovation to our everyday workflow. This is truly a game changing product.
For more information on the featured product click HERE.
To view instructional videos on this and more from
Garrison Dental visit their YouTube channel HERE.
Written by Dr. John Corey. Dr. Corey received his DDS from Baylor College of Dentistry where he went on to complete an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency. He now practices as a general dentist in Muskegon, Michigan.
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