Unpacking the Agenda of the AI Velocity Summit 2023: Propelling the Adoption of Dental Artificial Intelligence

The First and Only Dental AI Leadership Conference

Re-Imagining Oral Care at the Speed of Innovation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for dentistry are developing rapidly. To date, however, there is little consensus among stakeholders on how to leverage the power of AI to create the best outcomes for all concerned (e.g., patients, providers, payors) in a timely manner, at a reasonable cost.  A shared, re-imagined vision of oral care in the AI-facilitated near-future is needed.

One Day that Can Change the Course of Dentistry

Date: September 20-21
Location: The Hyatt Regency, Austin, Texas

This one-day summit will strive to establish a scenario in which AI helps to reach oral health goals and objectives. Chief among these is reducing prevalence and incidence of two common oral diseases, caries, and periodontal disease.

In Austin, leaders in dentistry, population-based oral health, AI innovation, financing and venture capital companies, government regulation of medical devices and 3rd-party payment will come together to exchange information and perspectives.

In an opening session, a variety of experts will summarize the current status of AI as it pertains to oral health and highlight the important issues facing dentistry.  These include, for example:

  1. How AI can play a role in improving both the clinical experience of patients and their overall systemic health.
  2. What guidance and guardrails are needed to foster equity in oral healthcare prevention, access, and care, when payors utilize AI tools.

[AI topics will be probed in greater depth in 5 panel discussions. To enrich the conversation, morning and afternoon networking sessions will allow 2-way exchanges between presenters, sponsors, and attendees.]

Panel I.  The First Live 3600  View of Dental AI 

Could AI close the conceptual gap that exists to achieve optimal population and individual oral health? AI employs static and dynamic models, with both trained machine learning/deep learning and large language/generative models. Different types of AI offer advantages for different use cases in oral health.

Together, the various types of AI have the potential to streamline the entire process of oral healthcare. In dentistry alone, a 3600 view of AI would encompass everything from supply chain tracking and management through processing of insurance claims.  Reimagining oral care requires critical thinking.

Specifically, much attention has been paid to AI tools for detecting disease in images, but there has been scant focus on AI tools for other functions. This session will:

  1. Tap machine and human intelligence to flesh out a 3600 view of AI in oral health.
  2. Suggest roles for leaders to play in identifying, assessing, and adopting AI tools for scientific, business, and clinical functions.
  3. Share lessons learned about change management.

Panel II. AI Risk Management: What We Need to Consider

AI entails risks which must be understood to be minimized.  Major categories of risk include records privacy violation, system insecurity, algorithm bias, diagnostic test invalidity (e.g., deep fakes, enhanced images), and the lack of availability of demographics of training data or transparency of proprietary algorithms.

Any of these could result in harm to patients or legal and/or reimbursement challenges for providers and payors. In this session, the risks will be spelled out and some mitigation strategies outlined. Payor views of AI and public policy options for preventing, detecting, and eliminating bias in algorithms will also be explored. (FDA invited)

Panel III: The Vital Role of Equity Partners in the Growth of Dental AI 

Financial support from public sources has been insufficient to advance oral care goals and objectives (see the Quadruple Aim). Venture capital (VC) firms and individual private investors are filling the gap.

Currently, however, only 1% of investments from VC are in oral health; arguably, the target should be roughly 4%, consistent with the share of the economy represented by the oral care sector.

How can the disproportionate oral health share be increased?  At the same time, how can ethical investment in AI oral health tools be ensured? What is the build vs buy equation for investors or purchasers of AI?

Panel IV: AI Adoption at Scale: Benefits for Both the DSO and Private Practice 

This panel will explore additional use cases for AI, and pinpoint some of the unique challenges and opportunities they present. The uses will include home monitoring of toothbrushing, orthodontic appliances and sleep apnea products, consumer-facing AI products and processes, as well as augmented reality tools a patient can use during the dental visit to make the experience more pleasant.  

Panel V: Is AI the Tipping Point for True Medical-Dental Integration? 

Better health outcomes for some systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes) or conditions (e.g., pregnancy) have been associated with the prevention, care, and treatment of oral diseases.

This panel will explore the oral health/systemic-health link and sketch the AI road to improved oral health and general wellness. Data will be presented to show that costs of chronic diseases are reduced when oral care (particularly preventive care) is provided.

Presenters will also show how oral health care can be improved when a patient’s medical history obtained from medical records is shared with oral healthcare providers.

Participants will discuss electronic health record interoperability to facilitate data and record sharing, with an emerging role for AI.

Panel VI: Priority Issues and Urgent Next Steps

Fast-paced dialog with the presenters (who will have networked with all summit attendees) will generate a list of the highest-priority issues that integrating AI into oral healthcare raises.  In a lightening round session, panelists will list some next steps in addressing these issues.  The two lists will constitute the top-line product of the AI Velocity Summit.

Register now for the AI Velocity Summit to take advantage of the $200.00 early bird discount plus the Group Dentistry Now discount of $100.00 and save a total of $300.00. Use GDN100 when registering.

About the Author:

Margaret Scarlett, DMD is a dentist, futurist, population health expert and the Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer of Dental Transformation Partners – a company focused on launching the next generation of innovations that will transform dentistry and ensure that oral health is recognized as a critical component of overall health by allied healthcare providers and patients alike.

She is currently a member of American Dental Association Standards Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry and a co-author of the 2023 ADA whitepaper, “Overview of Artificial and Augmented Intelligence Uses in Dentistry.”

Dr. Scarlett and Dental Transformation Partner Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Michael Ventriello, are the architects of AI Velocity Summit 2023. Which is co-sponsored by Dental Products Report with the support and assistance of media partners Group Dentistry Now and DSOPro. For more information, visit www.AIVelocitySummit.com or send an email to Info@AIVelocitySummit.com.

Dr. Scarlett will be attending the upcoming Dykema conference.
If you would like to schedule a meeting,
please text her at 404-743-2273.
