The Group Dentistry Now Show: The Voice Of The DSO Industry – Episode 97

DSO Declassified breaks down industry activities from a totally objective perspective. This is the second episode of DSO Declassified which is part of the Group Dentistry Now Show. This month we focus on:

🔎 Dykema DSO conference review
🔎 Upcoming DSO events including DSO Leadership Summit
🔎 Increase in solo dental practice owners interested in selling
🔎 Recent articles including memberships, rental agreements, TAG activity, DSO People, DSO Deals, Oakpoint podcast and much more.

If you have any questions about the industry, or suggestions for what you’d like to hear on the next DSO Declassified podcast, email .

To find any of the events or articles discussed on the podcast visit

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Our podcast series brings you dental support and emerging dental group practice analysis, conversation, trends, news and events. Listen to leaders in the DSO and emerging dental group space talk about their challenges, successes, and the future of group dentistry. The Group Dentistry Now Show: The Voice of the DSO Industry has listeners across North & South America, Australia, Europe, and Asia. If you like our show, tell a friend or a colleague.

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Full Transcript:

Bill Neumann:

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Group Dentistry Now show. This is DSO Declassified. This is actually, the second episode of DSO Declassified. And I am Bill Neumann. As you notice, background’s a little bit different. We started with a cold open. So, I just wanted to get right into things here.

Bill Neumann:

I wanted to share a bunch of news that’s going on. Talk about the Dykema meeting that I just attended. And you also noticed that the first episode of DSO Declassified, if you’ve seen it, if not go back and watch it. It’s about a month ago, we also had Dr. Roshan Parikh. He can’t make this one, but we’ve got them scheduled back for the September.

Bill Neumann:

So, I wanted to try and keep some momentum going here. Try to do this once a month, at least. So, DSO Declassified is really, just to keep you up-to-date on things that are going on in the industry. So, this will be sprinkled through the regular GDN shows, which we’ll have a lot of different guests.

Bill Neumann:

So, we may still sneak a guest or two into DSO Declassified, just to get their thoughts on things. But really, this is a show just to catch up on things, get feedback from the audience on what they want to hear about. So, anyway, we’ll get right into it, but that is why you’re seeing a different background. There was a cold open, no introduction, no outro. We’re going to do this real.

Bill Neumann:

So, if you are listening to this, I am going to be doing some screen shares. So, you may want to jump on the YouTube version of this, and you can find the YouTube version on our YouTube channel, or you could actually go to and watch the video, which would be hosted on YouTube.

Bill Neumann:

Whether you’re listening or watching, thanks for joining. Again, Bill Neumann with Group Dentistry Now. This is the DSO Declassified. So, I wanted to go over the Dykema meeting. So, that was the last meeting, large meeting that we attended as Group Dentistry Now. We did have a table in the back actually, of the main conference room or the lecture room.

Bill Neumann:

So, we had the opportunity to listen in on all the great speakers. It was a real treat as that meeting always is. And I have been going to the meeting for quite a few years. I did not get the opportunity to go to the first two meetings. So, the third meeting that what Dykema actually did was in Dallas, Texas at the Aloft in the basement. And I think they had a little over, right around a 100 people, something like that.

Bill Neumann:

So, and we actually, we a recap on Group Dentistry Now. So, you can just go in and search for Dykema, and you can see several recaps from years past. But I think back to that first meeting that I attended, which was their third meeting and they had just right around a 100 people. And now, fast forward to the meeting that was a month ago… We’re recording this by the way in mid-August. So, just to give perspective, August 2022.

Bill Neumann:

The Dykema meeting had in July had 1,700 attendees. So, from a 100 in about five years ago to 1,700. So, amazing. Last year, I believe the number was around 1,300. I think I could be wrong there, same locale. So, my question is, where are they going to be able to hold it next year being such a large meeting? It’s going to probably, get bigger. I have no doubt. Brian Calao’s goal is to have it bigger. I don’t know if they announce where it’s going to be next year. I might not have heard that yet, but it’s probably not going to be in the same location.

Bill Neumann:

So, and my recap on it, great meeting, great content as usual. It’s a great networking opportunity. I’m there probably, more for the networking than a content. I think it’s about 50/50 maybe. But just had the chance to see so many people that some that I haven’t seen since COVID hit, others that were there last year and have been to some other meetings. But great chance to reconnect with people.

Bill Neumann:

I snuck down to the exhibit floor early one morning, probably around 7:00 at an early morning meeting, and it’s before most of the vendors were there. So, I had a chance to stop by the booths and just was able to breeze through them pretty quickly, and check out some of the new companies that were attending, some of the companies that have been there a long time.

Bill Neumann:

And again, focus, as we all know, these meetings tend to be a lot of technological products, analytical products. A lot of AI companies there. So, pretty cool stuff. I really enjoyed it. One of my highlights was actually, the drone show. So, I had never seen a drone show like that before, and I was blown away by it. Certainly, it could replace fireworks, and actually might be a safer option. But that’s all I’m going to say on that topic. But great event.

Bill Neumann:

I think the one negative that I would have to say is that, Thursday is so jam packed that you run from 8:00 in the morning until, well, if you stay for the after event, probably until 10:00 at night. So, that’s the only negative that that day is so busy. I feel like there’s not a lot of room to do anything else. We were jam packed. So, great opportunity, thanks to the team of Dykema for putting on a first-class show. As always, great meeting.

Bill Neumann:

And so, that’s all I’ve got to say about that. Looking forward to it next year as always. So, I’ve got some other notes here, like I mentioned, Ro will be back the next episode, which will be in September. We’re actually, as for Group Dentistry Now for the podcast, for the Group Dentistry Now show, we are right around a 100 episodes.

Bill Neumann:

So, we’re getting really close to that hundredth episode and just thankful for everybody that listens or watches us, and try to make it exciting. And I think this idea will be fun. I hope so. Hopefully, it’ll help people that maybe haven’t been to some of these shows before, give them a little perspective. Maybe, are wondering what’s going on in the industry.

Bill Neumann:

Dr. Ro certainly, tuned into a lot of the M&A that’s going on. We get a lot of feedback from people too. And I will say, the one thing that I’ve noticed is we’ve had a flurry of inquiries coming in from a lot of single practices, docs looking to sell. So, it’s been pretty quiet lately on that front. We always talk to a lot of merging groups, whether they’re looking to scale or sell. They call us whether they’re looking for referrals or marketing opportunities, or just have some questions about what we do. They tend to find us online.

Bill Neumann:

So, stay pretty connected to what’s going on. But what I find interesting in the past month or so, quite a few people reaching out to figure out how to sell their practices or how to make their practices really most, I guess, put it in the best light possible, make them look the best for sale to a DSO or for a group. So, that’s super interesting.

Bill Neumann:

Yesterday, I was actually on the ADSOs, one of their meetings that they had member meetings, and they had Bob Fontana. They had Dr. Rick Workman, Stephen Thorne and Steve Bilt were all on the… And with Andrew Smith as the moderator from the ADSO, were all on the meeting. And really, just to get a snapshot of what’s going on with their groups. And then, also their thoughts on the industry.

Bill Neumann:

A lot of had tied around recruitment retention. The economy, of course, is a big topic. But just one little thing, I think a lot of people, I think there were about a 100. I saw about 150 people on the meeting. So, there were a lot. If you missed it, or you’re not a member of the ADSO, I highly recommend if you do become a member, you’ll find out about it, for sure.

Bill Neumann:

But sit in on these meetings, because you do gain a lot of insight from people that have been doing this for quite a while. I mean, Steve Bilt, I think mentioned this, that somebody did anyway on the panel that they had been doing this for quite a while. Smile Brands, Pacific Dental, Heartland, and Aspen. I’ll go back to the 90s.

Bill Neumann:

So, they’re not young organizations. So, you can learn a lot from them. One thing Dr. Workman mentioned that I found really, interesting was basically, said two things, because we always speculate a little bit on the size of the industry. And I think he mentioned, we don’t even know how big the DSO space is right now, but somewhere around 25%. I think that’s probably, a little low. But that’s… And you do hear 25, I’ve heard as high as like 30, 38, depending on how you slice and dice DSOs.

Bill Neumann:

What I found interesting was that, I think there was a question about what does the future of the industry look like? And he’s like, “Well, it’s not…” I’m going to paraphrase this. “It’s not a practice with three operatories in somebody’s house doing $600,000 a year. That’s not the future of the industry.” And then, he mentioned something that I thought was also interesting, “That half the practices that exist right now in the United States are unsellable.” So, there really, nobody would want to buy them. Certainly, not DSOs, anyway. And I think he was referring to just the size of them.

Bill Neumann:

So, just not being built for something that a DSO would want to acquire. So, maybe an associate, somebody that were looking for, or somebody looking for a fixer-upper. But to his point, I think there are quite a few practices out there that either need to figure out how they can build themselves up for sale, to build themselves bigger. Or a lot of docs are just going to be retiring and selling off their patient records. And you see that happen too.

Bill Neumann:

I think with inflation, the recession, you’re going to see a lot more solos looking at how do I either fix this up or how do I get out? And I think, some are going to find themselves in a situation where they’re going to have a practice, really, not too many people are going to find appealing.

Bill Neumann:

So, anyway, just a couple of things again, Dykema and then the ADSO called it, that happened yesterday. I thought it was pretty interesting. Beyond that, I had the opportunity to attend the MS Dental Society board meeting. That was pretty cool. That was up in, outside of Boston. And great, just to talk to them, there’s some representatives from the ADA there as well. Talk to the board about what’s going on in the space.

Bill Neumann:

Just one thing I’ll mention there is that, Yankee dental Congress, if you’re not familiar with that, that is the meeting that happens in Boston, in January, really pull in, not just from Massachusetts, but from all the New England states. And they’ll even pull in a little bit from New York and states like that, but they are going to be doing a multi-site track for that meeting.

Bill Neumann:

So, there’s going to be an entire set of courses that are going to be going on for emerging groups and established groups as well. But that’s pretty exciting. We’re involved in that. I have been involved with Yankee for a bunch of years. So, if you’re a DSO or an emerging group and you’re interested in, or you’re going to be attending Yankee or you’re maybe a vendor that might be interested in reaching that space, you can ping me and I can get you in touch with them.

Bill Neumann:

But they’re pretty creative there. They’re one of the few traditional dental shows that goes on that actually, is I think paying attention to the DSOs. And actually, creating or multi-site dentist entrepreneurs that are scaling up, that they actually are building out a curriculum just for them. So, that is January of 2023. But check it out now, you can go to their website or like I said, you can ping me and I’d be happy to get you connected.

Bill Neumann:

So, moving on, besides that, what I’m going to do here, and that’s the benefit of doing this on a fly is, I can do a little screen share. I wanted to talk about some upcoming events. And then, we’ll talk about what else is going on in the industry. So, again, if you are listening to this, I’m going to be doing a screen share here and I’ll try and read everything out that I’m looking at and showing the audience.

Bill Neumann:

So, hey, hopefully, everybody can see the screen now, if you’re, of course, watching the video. So, we have a couple of upcoming events. I wanted to keep with the theme of the events, things that have been going on. So, we did some past events, and now we’re going to talk about some future events.

Bill Neumann:

So, we’ve got a really busy fall for DSO events, super, super busy. So, dental forum is one that is actually, coming up September 12th and 13th, and just an awesome event. A lot of people know about this, but if you don’t, I’ll give you just a little bit of the low down on what the event is about, because it is pretty unique.

Bill Neumann:

So, this is run by an organization called OpenRoom. They’re based in the UK. They do this event globally, and they’re in other verticals as well. But in dental, they have the DentalForum USA. They actually, do pull some Canadian DSOs as well to this event. But this is in, at the Hyatt Regency in Scottsdale, which is September 12th to 13th. And this is what I would call speed dating.

Bill Neumann:

So, it’s very short targeted meetings where the decision maker at the DSO, so procurement or clinical director, somebody like that is meeting up with the vendor partner. So, the two get together. They have 15 minutes to make a love connection or not. They know ahead of time who they’re meeting with, and then they move on to the next person.

Bill Neumann:

And so, this goes on for day and a half, call them one to one speed meetings, really, really effective. And then, there is some content there, I’ll be moderating a couple of sessions, and then I will be presenting our dental procurement or our DSO procurement survey. We did this globally. We missed it last year. We did it in 2019 and 2020.

Bill Neumann:

And this year, I believe, we’ve already have just in the US or North America. I think, we have 35 responses from DSOs. If you’re a DSO, want to participate, again, reach out to me. My email address will be in the show notes, or you can find it on the website, and I can send you a link to do the survey. It takes about, I think the average is about six minutes. So, it’s a pretty quick survey, but have gleaned really, cool info on that.

Bill Neumann:

So, we do the US. We do a similar survey for Europe. And then, we did one for Asia Pacific, which I believe is occurring this week, where they’re actually, having that event as well. And that is in Shangri-La Singapore. So, that’s going on. I wish I was there live. But unfortunately, I recorded a video and sent that on the results. So, maybe someday, I’ll get the opportunity to go there.

Bill Neumann:

But I will be at the event in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kim Larson, who is my partner here at Group Dentistry Now. She’s going to be with me. And finally, got Kim traveling with us, a good bit. So, she’s going to be at the DentalForum. So, I look forward to seeing everybody there.

Bill Neumann:

So, move on from this. Oh, actually, and if there’s any questions like the vendors are pretty much sold out. I don’t think you can get in as a vendor DSOs. There still maybe an opportunity, so you can register. They’re right around 50 DSOs, which is great. This is a small meeting. I think last year was quiet because of COVID, but 50 is quite a bit for this meeting. So, that really is encouraging that this format is taking off.

Bill Neumann:

So, that’s DentalForum. Then, a little bit of a break, at least from what we have on our calendar here that September. And then, October gets crazy busy. So, we’ve got the DSO Tech Summit, which is, I had the opportunity to moderate a couple of sessions at that event. Emcee that event last year. Small meeting, first time they did it last year. I believe they had about 80 attendees, and it is going to be in Nashville.

Bill Neumann:

So, that is October 4th through the 6th. And just if you’re a CTO or a CIO or somebody that handles the tech for your DSO, or just somebody that wants to, excuse me, somebody that actually wants to be a part, find out more about the technology advances in the dental space. And there are a lot of them, then definitely, check that out, go to the event. It is called the DSO Tech Summit. Michelle Hambidge handles that.

Bill Neumann:

So, again, I can put you in touch with Michelle, but you can find the information on our website here. And that is in Nashville at the Sheraton, by the airport. We have a code GDN22 to save a $100. If you go to our website and you want to attend, whether you’re a DSO or whether you are an industry partner, you can save a 100 bucks by using that code.

Bill Neumann:

Always good to save a little bit of money. And it was a great event last year. They actually, had an FBI agent there. I was talking about cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a big topic at this event. So, they’ve got some great guests. It’ll be at this event as well. So, that’s a DSO Tech Summit.

Bill Neumann:

So, also in Nashville, right after the DSO Tech Summit ends, you’ll have to do a hop, skip, and a jump to the Loews Vanderbilt. That’s by Vanderbilt University, about 15 minutes away from the Sheraton, which is where the Tech Summit is. Or if you’re flying in, it’s about 15 minutes from the airport. So, this is the DSO Leadership Summit, and that is put on by HR for Health. And we’re happy to be partnered with them again this year to do our emerging groups to watch.

Bill Neumann:

So, it was really, a great event that we actually did last year in San Francisco. And in spite of COVID and the vaccine mandates and all that fun stuff, we had 300, 310 guests and about 80 groups that were represented there as well. So, that was… Sorry, I have a little bit of cough.

Bill Neumann:

So, moving on, we’re doing this raw, no editing. So, I want to get this out. So, we normally edit all these coughs out. So, we do have a code. If you use GDN2022, you can save 10% off. Now, I will say that what’s unique about this event is, they really try and have a great ratio of DSOs to vendors. And so, right now, I believe there’s a hold on the vendors that can attend.

Bill Neumann:

So, we’re looking for more DSOs. I mean, the event is going to sell out. We already have quite a few people there including DSOs, but we want to have a nice balance. So, I think if you’re a DSO sign up, you can sign up, no problem. We expect to have between 400 and 500 attendees, which is great. So, we’re really looking forward to that.

Bill Neumann:

But if you are a vendor and you want to attend, I think there are a couple of sponsorship opportunities that will get you a table. If you are not looking to sponsor or anything, then I would just get on the list and things will open up. I believe as more DSOs come in. So, anyway, that is the DSO Leadership Summit. We are going to be doing the black-tie event like we did last year, the emerging groups to watch award winners.

Bill Neumann:

So, those winners are all going to be attending and that should be pretty cool. So, you can still see my screen here. But the emerging groups to watch, you can see how we do things here on the fly that will be attending will be right here. So, we’re going to have Dynamic Growth Dental Services. They’re out of Pennsylvania, which is right near us. Actually, we’re based in PA. Imagine dental partners who are based in Arizona, they’re getting pretty big.

Bill Neumann:

MI Smiles Dental. That’s Dr. Dykstra’s group. And Oakpoint is going to be there. They’re going to have a bunch of their team there. I had a chance recently, to go to an event in Detroit. Rocket Mortgage Classic, Kurt Harvey, who is a consultant in the industry, does M&A work and consulting, is kind enough to host an event in Detroit. He lives on one of the golf courses there, where they do the Rocket Mortgage Classic, and he has his event.

Bill Neumann:

And we had Mike White was there, Dr. Barry Deirmenjian, Brian Colao, a lot of the big names from the dental industry attended the event. And the reason I bring it up is, Mick Janness from Oakpoint was there, Erik Strang was there too. So, we’ll see them at the DSO Leadership Summit. So, they’re going to bring their team.

Bill Neumann:

Operation Dental will be there. Our Best Life Companies, I believe, we’re actually going to have somebody from Our Best Life Companies on one of the panels too. PepperPointe Partnerships, Riccobene, The Smilist out of New York. They just actually acquired or started to affiliate here in Pennsylvania. So, those groups will be there as well.

Bill Neumann:

So, I just wanted to run through that real quickly. That is the DSO Leadership Summit. Get your tickets now. If you’re a vendor and you’re not going to do a sponsorship, and definitely get on the waitlist there as things open up, you have to get on because I know the waitlist is going to continue to get longer. So, again, I do like that because it has a real nice balance of DSOs to vendors.

Bill Neumann:

So, this is another event that is going on here. This is actually, in Newport Beach. Great place to be. This is actually, October again. I told you October is busy. October 14th and 15th, this is the stepping away workshop. And this is really, it’s a hands-on workshop to take Dennis from practicing to out of the chair and actually, running their group or their practice as they tend to scale up.

Bill Neumann:

So, this is Jonathan Moffat and his team that put this on. It’s really a great event and couldn’t be in a nicer place, probably one of the nicest places in the country, Newport Beach. So, check it out. If you’re a dentist that has one practice, two practices looking to scale up really, really meaningful event, although that’s put on by aligned advisors. So, that is in Newport Beach, at Regency there.

Bill Neumann:

Last event that I have on here is the Emerging Dental Markets Summit, which is in Nashville. Again, Nashville’s like the spot. So, this is actually, put on by Patterson Dental and A-dec. And this is going to… So, A-dec just opened up a new facility, a new showroom in Nashville. And so, they’re going to be bringing in emerging groups to this event, and you can go to our website. It’s 259. You can actually, scan this little QR code, or you can just go to the website, and you don’t have to do that at all. Go to our website, And then, go to the events section as well.

Bill Neumann:

And I did want to mention, I don’t have it on here yet, because I haven’t had the opportunity. But I know that Polaris is actually, having their event as well in October. And I think, unfortunately, it overlaps with the DSO Leadership Summit. But Polaris has their event, and I will make sure that I drop a link to their event in our show notes. I haven’t had time to put it up here.

Bill Neumann:

Like I said, October, crazy, busy month. September is a little bit quieter. And then, beyond that, there’s some other things going on. I’m sure, I know that there’s the Greater New York Meeting. There’ll be CDA north, which we went to last year, which was pretty quiet.

Bill Neumann:

So, we’ll definitely, see how that that works out this year as well. And then, I guess there’s the ADA as well, which will be in Houston. That is actually, in October, I believe. So, there’s just so much going on there. There’s a meeting for every, pretty much day of the week.

Bill Neumann:

So, I wanted to just go over a couple of things here. This is actually, a really great article on our website that we, and again, for those listening in, it’s probably tough to follow what I’m talking about, but we’ve got a couple of things. I’m not going to go through every single article we’ve done in the past month or month and a half, but this is one that we just dropped today.

Bill Neumann:

This is Why Does the Dental Office Lease Matter When I Own the Building, really, great article. This was actually put together by Cirrus and written by the president of Cirrus Consulting. That’s Eric Pook. So, Eric, nice job on this article. Great, great piece to read. Pretty easy to read too. So, if you’re listening in, you could check that out.

Bill Neumann:

Again, just go on through some things that have happened pretty recently. Again, the activity in the spaces, incredible. We do the DSO Deal Roundup every single month. And what I would say is, check that out. I mean, if you had subscribed, hopefully, you’re subscribing to our newsletter, which is DSO Weekly. But you can go to our website to Group Dentistry Now, we don’t spam you. If you get one email a week from us, and it’s chock-full of great content.

Bill Neumann:

So, all this is in the newsletter, but if you’re not a subscriber, you missed it past couple of weeks, make sure you check it out. So, what I’m showing on the screen, if you’re listening is the Aspen Group or TAG and just the activity that they’ve had. I mean, they’ve done, which is really cool. They’ve co-located the Aspen Dental practice and ClearChoice, makes a lot of sense.

Bill Neumann:

I’ve heard that they’ve also, because they own WellNow. WellNow is part of TAG. WellNow, which is an Urgent Care Clinic that in some cases, they’ve had a WellNow Urgent Care and an Aspen in the same complex as well. So, that’s pretty interesting. They just bought WellNow, just acquired physicians, immediate care, which was actually acquisition. They acquired 55 of these urgent care and occupational health practices.

Bill Neumann:

So, it’s not Aspen Dental management anymore, it’s TAG, which is the Aspen Group because now they’re in urgent care. They have the aesthetic studios that they have. So, they’re really, a health support organization instead of a DSO. Just really cool. I mean, it’s amazing how the industry is growing.

Bill Neumann:

So, there’s a little intro video that you can check out in that article. Just pretty quick article to read, but just important. We do shine every month, which is, or the DSO people kind of what’s going on, on the support side of the industry. So, typically executives, not so much on the clinical. But if you’ve got any movers and shakers, anybody that you’ve recently hired or somebody that’s maybe been promoted, it’s your organization that you’d like to share with us, feel free to email me.

Bill Neumann:

I guess, I should shout out my email right now. It’s, or you can find me all over LinkedIn and send me a message. And that way, we can get your individual added to the list. We do this every single month. Kim Larson, who’s the co-founder here. And actually, the Chief Marketing Officer pointed out in the article that’s 77 on the list this month, we’re female.

Bill Neumann:

So, it’s a list you can check out. Every single month, we compile it, just a couple of other things. And then, I think I’m going to let everybody go because I wanted to just make sure that we got in some of the meetings that are going on, what meetings we will be attending. I forgot to mention that I will be at that. I will be at the A-dec meeting, so that A-dec and Patterson meeting that’s happening in Nashville, I will be there. I’ve got about 30 minutes to speak. They’ve got some great speakers at that event.

Bill Neumann:

But you know what? Next month, when I’ve got Dr. Ro on, we can go over a little bit of that in detail. I believe Dr. Ro is also going to be at the DentalForum event. So, that’s the one in September. So, if you’re going to be there, look for Dr.Ro. That’s the one that’s in Scottsdale, the speed dating.

Bill Neumann:

So, this is actually, a cool article here. I’m just scrolling the screen. But this is one that Clear did with us, on trying to recession proof your group with a membership plan. I know we got yelled at on LinkedIn because we said recession proof. And somebody said, “You can’t recession proof something.” But anyway, I think, you can make it more resistant to a recession.

Bill Neumann:

So, maybe the verbiage isn’t entirely accurate, but you can certainly protect yourself a lot with something like a membership plan. And I think, these are the types of things that groups need to look at now when dealing with this type of economy. And we did a webinar with Clear, and one of the polling questions was, do you have a membership plan? And I was shocked.

Bill Neumann:

I think it was over 50%. It might have been 60% of the audience did not have a membership plan at all. Something, you have to look into, for sure. Whether it’s with Clear, whether it’s with somebody else, definitely look into it. I mean, to me, with especially the way the economy is, your patients are going to need it. A lot of your patients are going to need it.

Bill Neumann:

So, just a couple more here. I’m just going to go through. We’ve got the Oakpoint, I mentioned Nick Janness. He’s going to be at the DSO Leadership Summit with his team, some of his team. But we also just did a recently, did a podcast with him. So, check that out as well. That’s Episode 96. So, we’re getting super, super close to 100 here. But really, really good podcast. Nick is really knowledgeable. It’s pleasure to have them on the podcast.

Bill Neumann:

We’re going to be doing some more things with Oakpoint, and getting some of their other executives on podcast. We’re doing interviews with them. But they have a lot to offer. This is that DSO Deal Roundup, I mentioned. I mean, I’m just going to scroll through here. And again, if you’re listening in, I mean, it’s amazing the activity. I’ve got Guardian Dentistry Partners with the activity they have. They’ve got four acquisitions that we captured here. MB2 had 10 acquisitions in the past month in July.

Bill Neumann:

So, there’s this mention, we talk about the co-located, ClearChoice and Aspen in Albuquerque a little. We actually, mentioned WellNow in here. We talk about Beekman Group and First Choice Dental, TLC for Smiles, enters into a new partnership with Smile Brands, Simply Beautiful Smiles. Again, in Pennsylvania group, they hit 40 practices, absolute hit 40 practices. That’s interesting.

Bill Neumann:

Dental Care Alliance adds three affiliations. I mentioned this earlier that the Smilist expanded into PA. Marque announces a grand opening of a practice in the Smyrna, Georgia. I’ve seen some activity with Marquee Dental. They were quiet for a while back. And now, it seems like they’re in acquisition mode again. They also entered into the Lexington Kentucky market, Premiere Care Dental Management.

Bill Neumann:

So, remember that’s Dental365. That’s their management company. They added some new partners as well. So, that’s great too. And we did… It’s an older podcast, but if you… Scott, Dr. Asnis, Scott Asnis, who’s the CEO in founder there. You don’t hear a lot from him. So, if you want to listen to him and how he built Dental365, jump on Episode 47 of our podcast, really great. We were happy to be able to get him. He’s a big fan of GDN. So, we were able to convince him to come on the podcast. And I actually, had the opportunity at the ADSO event in Austin to meet him for the first time.

Bill Neumann:

So, that was a pleasure. And great to have him on too. Episode 47, if you’re interested in hearing about Dental365, and how they got started with their models like. It’s a couple of years back, but you still get an idea. US Endo Partners, they’re going the gangbusters, one, two, three, four, five. Looks like five acquisitions.

Bill Neumann:

Life Dental Group hits a milestone in Mississippi. They have 85 employees. Eagle Dental Management is growing 10, is expanding. Imagine, Dental Partners added three practices that we know about. Again, they may have added more. That’s what we captured. West Coast Dental strategic partnership with Square Capital Partners. There’s a bunch more here.

Bill Neumann:

So, that’s really what I wanted to hammer home here is just some things that were really happening in the industry. Hopefully, this was insightful. I know I went rapid fire there a little bit, but I know everybody’s busy. And hopefully, you’re mowing your lawns or you’re sitting on your deck listening to this, and it’s going to help you out with your business.

Bill Neumann:

So, if there’s anything you’d like to see with DSO Declassified that we’re doing or not doing more importantly, that you’d like to see, send me an email, or just go to LinkedIn. And actually, you can look for Bill Neumann if you aren’t connected to me again, or Kim Larson, and connect with us and let us know how we’re doing.

Bill Neumann:

Please, if you get the opportunity, give us a five star on Apple or Google podcasts, Spotify, we’re on as well, or on YouTube. You can give us a thumbs up and say that we’re doing a great job, and we can do a comment. But we’re looking forward. We have been having an incredible year 2022, is doing well. Oh, one thing I wanted to mention, hopefully, not everybody signed off yet.

Bill Neumann:

We also have a partnership with a company called… The joint venture is called DSOPro. So, we’re actually getting niche in the space. So, we’ve got Group Dentistry Now. And then, we actually, have DSOPro. We have four newsletters that we send out through DSOPro. And it’s a JV between Group Dentistry Now and an organization called DSO DataCONNECT.

Bill Neumann:

So, if you’re looking for data in the industry, they’ve got a data platform, super robust, they update it twice a month. They have, right now, the focus is on US, but they have some Canadian DSOs in there, and pretty cool platform. So, if you’re interested, reach out to Jim Shavel or Allen Schwartz there. It’s DSO is their website.

Bill Neumann:

But more importantly, DSOPro, which is is a newsletter that goes out weekly, and we’ve broken it up into four different segments. One is DSOPro technology, one is DSOPro procurement and operations, one is DSOPro recruitment and HR, and then the other is DSOPro happening. So, a little bit more of a catchall.

Bill Neumann:

Next year, we’ve got some big plans for that. So, I forgot to mention that as well. We’ve also got big, big plans for a really incredible continuing ed, education platform for our dental groups. I think you’re going to be really excited. I can’t talk about it now. The deal signed. That’s all I can say. But it’s with somebody super, super impressive in the industry and it’s exciting.

Bill Neumann:

So, we are continuing to grow here, and offer what the industry wants, and what they need. So, again, education, DSOPro, we’ve got a ton of stuff going on here. We appreciate all your support. Again, thank you. This is the Group Dentistry Now show, doing it a little bit different this time. Hopefully, you like it. And give me some feedback.

Bill Neumann:

Until next time. I’m Bill Neumann. This is the Group Dentistry Now show, and thank you all for listening in. We really, appreciate your support. Until next time. And Dr. Ro will be back for the next DSO Declassified.

