Want More Patients? Market Your Practice to Small Businesses

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As everyone knows, new patients are critical to the long term success of any group or DSO. Oftentimes, executives will look for ways to attract new patients by investing in expensive marketing campaigns or offering new patient specials not realizing that there is a much more effective way: by offering a dental benefit to local small businesses.

Why small businesses and why a dental benefit? In short, small businesses want to provide a simple, affordable dental benefit to their employees, the opportunity is huge, and it’s easy to offer a dental benefit if you have the right partner.

Small businesses want to provide a dental benefit to their employees, but dental insurance is too complex and expensive

According to the Small Business Administration, there are approximately 30 million small businesses in the United States that employ approximately 60 million people. However, the complexity and cost of traditional dental insurance has left more than half of these small businesses unable to offer a dental benefit to employees and their families — even though they want to.

Small businesses recognize the importance of providing dental benefits to their employees for three main reasons: (1) dental benefits are one of the top 3 most requested benefits by employees, (2) dental benefits provide health benefits that improve productivity, and (3) dental benefits help attract new employees.

And it’s for these reasons that 80% of these small businesses want to offer a dental benefit in the future — so by offering employers a dental benefit option, you can not only meet this need and help make dental care more accessible within your community, but you can also attract new fee-for-services patients to your practices.

An employer membership plan is the simple and affordable dental plan option that small businesses want

An employer membership plan is a simple and affordable dental benefit plan that a practice provides directly to local employers, with no insurance middleman in the way. You design and price the plan and market it to local employers. Employers sponsor the plan, have an option to contribute to the plan to offset the costs to employees, and invite employees to join. Employees sign up online, pay a subscription to your dental practices (using the employer contribution to offset the cost), and receive preventative services such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays at no extra cost plus discounts off other treatment (e.g., fillings, crowns).

There are no hassles or hidden costs like deductibles, waiting periods, pre-approvals or denials of claims. Benefits start as soon as an employee signs up and there are no delays or limits to treatment. By removing the middleman, employers and employees save money and your practice attracts new, employer-sponsored, fee-for-service patients without 3rd party interference.

Find new patients and generate substantial subscription revenue

When you implement an employer membership plan, you have the potential to not only attract new patients to your practices, but to also generate substantial subscription revenue for your group. For example, if your group signs up small businesses with 20 employees on average and offers an employer membership plan for $350 per employee per year (which is a $150/year savings from an average dental insurance plan premium) your group would generate the following results: 

  • Enroll 25 small businesses = 500 new patients and $175,000 in recurring annual revenue
  • Enroll 50 small businesses = 1,000 new patients and $350,000 in recurring annual revenue
  • Enroll 75 small businesses = 1,500 new patients and $525,000 in recurring annual revenue
  • Enroll 100 small businesses = 2,000 new patients and $700,000 in recurring annual revenue

As you can see, the numbers add up quickly. And if you think creating an employer membership plan is a big lift, it’s actually faster and easier than you may think.

Get started with an employer membership plan

With such a large opportunity all around your practices, now is the time to get started with an employer membership plan — and Kleer makes it easy! Kleer’s latest innovation, Kleer Employee Care enables practices to easily design, price, manage, and market a dental benefit to local employers. Kleer Employee Care includes:

  • A dedicated Group Success Manager to walk you and your offices through every step of the employer membership plan design and launch process, from pricing to team training and marketing
  • Custom employer-focused marketing materials including brochures, a landing page, and other digital marketing tools
  • Easy-to-use group and practice portals to track results at the group and practice level
  • An employer portal that enables employers to invite employees, track employee participation, and manage their dental benefit
  • An employee portal that enables employees to review and manage their benefits

Schedule your free 1:1 Consultation
with Kleer to start acquiring new
employer-sponsored patients today.

About Kleer

Kleer’s dental membership plan software enables group practices to easily design, launch, and manage consumer and employer membership plans across multiple dental practice locations. Over 300 group practice locations and 5,000 dentists use Kleer’s feature-rich platform, which is designed for scale and group practice success.

Written by Dave Monahan, CEO of Kleer. Dave’s advocation for subscription-based dental care led to the founding of Kleer in 2016 and phenomenal growth in Kleer dental practices and membership since its launch in January 2018. For further questions about acquiring new, employer-sponsored patients with Kleer Employee Care go to www.kleer.com/kleer-employee-care or reach out Dave directly at dave@kleer.com

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