The Group Dentistry Now Show: The Voice of the DSO Industry – Episode 136

🎧 Jaycee Memminger, VP of Strategic Markets for GLO Science & Misty Mattingly, SVP & Chief Dental Hygiene Officer for Sage Dental discuss:

➡ The Sage Dental & GLO Science Partnership
➡ What makes GLO unique
➡ The importance of vendor support & training
➡ New initiatives and partnerships for GLO Science

To find out more about GLO Science visit – or email Jaycee at To learn more about Sage Dental visit –

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Full Transcript:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Group Dentistry Now Show, the voice of the DSO industry. Kim Larson and Bill Neumann talk to industry leaders about their challenges, successes, and the future of group dentistry. Visit for more DSO analysis, news and events. Looking for a job or have a job to fill? Visit We hope you enjoy today’s show.

Bill Neumann:

I’d like to welcome everybody to the Group Dentistry Now Show. I’m Bill Neumann, and as always, thanks for listening in, or perhaps you’re watching us on YouTube. However you are consuming this great content, we appreciate you and we’ve got two great guests on, so we’re going to get to the guests. We’ve got Jaycee Memminger. She is the VP of Strategic Markets for GLO Science. You may have seen Jaycee at maybe a DSO meeting or three. She seems to be at just about every Special Markets DSO event. She’s been in the industry for two decades and she’s worked for several prominent manufacturers. We’re going to get into her bio and background in a second, but Jaycee, thanks for being here.

Jaycee Memminger:

Thanks for having me.

Bill Neumann:

And then we also have Misty Mattingly. She is the Senior Vice President and the Chief Dental Hygiene Officer at Sage Dental. Misty, thank you for being here.

Misty Mattingly:

Absolutely. I’m excited to be here.

Bill Neumann:

And Misty is a past president of the Georgia Dental Hygienist Association and a past delegate at the American Dental Hygiene Association. Both experts in their field. We’re going to talk a little bit about what they do at each organization, so what GLO does, what Jaycee does at GLO, and then Misty and Sage Dental and what Misty does at Sage. Why don’t we start off with Jaycee, just a little bit of your bio, whatever you’d like to tell us, and then can you talk a little bit about GLO Science?

Jaycee Memminger:

Absolutely. Thank you. I do have, and thank you for mentioning, over two decades of experience in dental. I’ve worked for prominent manufacturers, such as Sunstar and Phillips, and I have a really valid background in this space. I came into the DSO space when it was just starting, and I look forward to bringing GLO into more of your offices and practices and business. GLO Science is a doctor led brand. It was founded by Dr. Jonathan Levine. He is a prosthodontist out of New York City. He is an amazing, amazing inventor. GLO has, like I said, the next generation of teeth whitening, and I’ve been in the whitening space for a long time coming from a competitor, so I can tell you he has created something extremely unique. He holds 30 patents on this product, and he is definitely probably one of the most revolutionary individuals in teeth whitening, and I hope you can see my own very own teeth. I have been glowed and I’m very happy to get you all glowing.

Bill Neumann:

Thanks, Jaycee. Misty, can you tell us a little bit about your background and then maybe get us up to speed on Sage Dental? We had Dr. Rourke on the podcast probably two, maybe two and a half years ago, so I know that there’s been a lot of changes, a lot of growth there recently.

Misty Mattingly:

Oh yes, we have totally grown. We are currently over a hundred locations to date. My role as the Chief Dental Hygiene Officer is to really manage hygiene. Dr. Rourke and I work really closely together. We really make a really dynamic team and it’s really great to be a part of. And then too, we’ve done this amazing job with bringing forth GLO to our providers and to our patients, and it’s been incredible what we’ve been able to see. The shade change, when Jaycee talks about it really is revolutionary, it really is. And I too have been in this space for two decades.

I mean, Jaycee, we’re telling them how old we are at this point. We’re trying to hide that piece, and we’re like the OGs because I’ve been in the DSO world now for about 15 years and been in dentistry for about 25 years and it really has changed a lot. It continues to change and it’s growing. This space is growing tremendously, and it’s really nice to see products like GLO out there for us. I come back from back in the day, I actually worked a little bit with Dorfman who did discus back in the day, and that’s like a first generation compared to what GLO is today, because it’s just so quick and easy and unique for our patients.

Bill Neumann:

Misty, before we get to the Q&A part of this, talk a little bit, you were recently promoted to the position you’re in now. Can you talk a little bit about your history at Sage and how you got to where you are now?

Misty Mattingly:

Yeah. When I first got here, we had about 56 locations. Now, like I said, we’re over a hundred. We’ve tremendously grew, especially over the last three years. When I first came there five years ago, it was more about let’s get the systems and the process in place so we can grow, and so that’s what we did the first two years. And then since then, now we’ve been on this growth pattern and my position has grown as we have grown. Originally, I came on to really get the systems and process in place, and now I’ve grown it to where I have five regional hygienists underneath my leadership and then also over 200 hygienists, and when we started, we only had 50. It’s really cool to be a part of.

Bill Neumann:

Thanks, Misty. Look, why don’t we talk, I’ll stay on you, Misty. The question for you would be really, talk about the relationship you have with Jaycee and GLO, and maybe we talked about it being a next generation whitening system. Why GLO? Why partner with Jaycee? And then maybe talk a little bit about the difference that you’ve seen with this product.

Misty Mattingly:

Well, I love this product because I am somebody… You see, I’ve been glowed too. I’m somebody who experiences sensitivity. And so our patients, that’s the main thing that they’re really worried about, and our clinicians. And so I really looked three years for whitening and I tried everything out there that was available and I really fell in love with GLO because it’s so easy. And then two, I even changed up their program a little bit to customize it to what I needed at Sage because I wanted an opportunity, when you have a light that you have to carry around, it makes it a little difficult versus we can turn every room into a GLO room. From an ROI perspective, that’s really important to a DSO. But also more than anything, we want a product that’s going to work, number one, and patients are going to like and has little to no sensitivity.

And I’ll be honest with you, I am super sensitive. I am one of those people that struggle with eating an ice cream, and I could literally do GLO, and it was just so easy for me. I didn’t have any sensitivity. And it’s only 16 minutes, so for a clinician, and I run hygiene, I’m always looking for opportunity for our hygienist if a patient cancels or they can add it in at the end of an appointment, something like that. And this really gives them the opportunity to do that because you want to clean up your patient, and then after you’ve cleaned them up, it’s a great add-on to the end of an appointment for you. Especially if my patient’s running late or things like that, I only need 16 minutes, and it really does. I mean, we’ve tried, I’ve done it over and over and over.

And the very first time I ever did GLO, I think I actually impressed them because they’re like, “You don’t do this all the time.” And I’m like, “Yeah, but that’s what I want.” And I go in and I tried it myself and I actually did it on Dr. Rourke because usually her and I, we partner together on anything we do, which I think it really makes us successful here at Sage is because we partner together on everything and we really partnered and I tried it on her and then we got great results. And she was a person that always experienced sensitivity, so she was very hesitant. And so she fell in love with it, and then it was the ease of use and then the fact that we could duplicate it in every operatory. And I’m about to do a GLO Night Whitening event, and we’re literally going to do 45 GLOs in two hours.

Bill Neumann:

Wow. You talked about a couple unique things that you’re doing, it might be a little bit different. First off, you said that you did things a little bit differently maybe than GLO Science maybe had told you to do it a certain way and you did-

Misty Mattingly:

I like to call it [inaudible].

Bill Neumann:

Okay. Can you explain?

Misty Mattingly:

Well, yeah. GLO actually has a wonderful light that they use in office and that’s great. But for us, I always do a test pilot on things too before I launch it, and what I found was, number one, it limited how many I could do. They had this great take-home mouthpiece that’s the same technology as the one that they’re using in the office. And so I said, “Well, how about if we do a test pilot and try it out with just the at-home mouthpiece and we just warm it up?” Because the big difference between the in-office and the take home mouthpiece is that the in-office warms up faster. It has this pre-heat mode and that’s not in the take home one. I said, “Well, if we go ahead and just preheat it a little bit, what type of results will we get?”

And what we found is that it was really phenomenal. We got great results with it. It’s very easy that we can utilize it in everybody, every hygienist, literally, we’re going to have probably 20 GLOs going all at the same time at this event. And so we’re able to do that because every patient gets their own mouthpiece. And two, it’s from a sterilization piece, that’s so much better that the patient’s getting their own individual mouthpiece. We don’t have to worry about the sterilization issues that happen. The patients also love the fact that they’re getting to go home with it. We’re utilizing the same technology and the same mouthpiece that they get to go home with. The magic’s in the mouthpiece, and I think GLO, Jaycee would say that too.

And Jaycee at first was like, they were a little questioning of it, and then she was like, as she started to think about it, she was like, “That is a great idea.” And then when I was so honored to see when Jaycee did that at a DSO event, she was like, “Hey, we’re going to utilize your idea and do it.” And so I keep saying, “Jaycee, let’s revolutionize and do it for all of them, because the in-office mouthpiece is great, but what really brings value to a DSO is that you can turn every operatory into a GLO room.”

Bill Neumann:

Yeah, great point. All right, so Jaycee, why don’t you run us through the scenario. Obviously, there’s a certain way that you recommend doing things, you’ve got the in-office, you’ve got the take home. Talk a little bit about how that all works.

Jaycee Memminger:

When our founder-

Bill Neumann:

How it worked before Misty took it over.

Jaycee Memminger:

Actually, believe it or not, when our founder, Dr. Jonathan Levine, basically created this inside of a dental practice, he had used something called dual whitening, which is exactly what Misty is talking about, where they would whiten chairside and then they would send them home with a mouthpiece. Our mouthpiece is what is patented. We use heat and light. Heat accelerates whitening, the light just lets you know that the device is on. Our mouthpiece is the only one that can have heat in it. And when I spoke to Misty, she was basically doing dual whitening. For a short period of time, we had gotten away from that. We had used, or created, invented, if you will, an autoclaveable mouthpiece that would have to be sterilized or you’d have to have multiple mouthpieces with our technology unit, which is basically about the size of a cell phone.

And when I first spoke to Misty and realized what she wanted to do and what she was doing, I was like, “This is…” And it shocked me at first and then I thought, “This is amazing. This is the best option in the DSO space. It really, really is.” And not only that, we started taking the same practice and putting it through domestic, our single unit offices as well. It has become an amazing momentum and I have to credit Misty and Sage with this dynamic idea that she had. We have both in office chairside whitening and we have two options for take home. Misty combined chairside whitening with our take home mouthpiece, which is wireless, and then the patient takes a box home that has our vials inside of it and can continue whitening at home.

GLO basically is 16 minute whitening up to 12 shades with zero sensitivity. I have to completely agree with everything that Misty said. I have have such severe sensitivity and I had had another manufacturer whiten my teeth. I couldn’t do it. In about five minutes, I was zinged. It just was the most uncomfortable thing for me personally, and I struggled with it. When I came to GLO, I actually had the honor of being at Dr. Jonathan Levine’s practice in New York City and I had a full hygiene appointment there. It was amazing. They did chairside whitening on me and I’m just like, “Misty, I can doctor work.” I could not believe it. I absolutely could not believe that how white my teeth got in two eight minute passes. They literally created a barrier, put the gel on, eight minutes, took it off, suctioned, applied a little bit more gel, eight more minutes. I went to the lightest shade.

I mean it was incredible. I never felt any discomfort. Other whitening products out there, you could have your mouth held open for 45 minutes or more with an hour and a half to two hours of chairside time. Then you get dehydration, which GLO does not have. And then with dehydration, within two or three days comes rebound, so you lose some shade. With GLO, you do not have that. What Misty and Sage have created is incredible because they’re doing chairside whitening with take home whitening, and they’re allowing the patients to get this whiter, brighter smile and continue it when they get home. It’s fantastic and it’s very cost-effective, and I’m sure Misty will tell you, there’s huge ROI in this and we have an interest in helping everyone be able to get their teeth glowed, and to have everyone who is looking for…

They say over seven out of 10 patients request their teeth to be whiter. It is the number one requested cosmetic procedure right now in dentistry. It used to be straightening. It’s superseded by whitening now. We want to be able to get everyone the whitest, brightest smile and we believe in whitening before all else. It’s basically whiten, and then do restorative. Whiten your teeth at the beginning of clear aligner therapy. We at GLO know you’ll get more compliance and less complaints. While patients are waiting for their trays, their teeth can be whitened and then they see this white bright smile and then they’re told to wear trays for 22 plus hours a day. They see these white teeth, they want straight teeth. They actually, when whitening and straightening are combined, we do see more compliance, less complaints.

And this is just a gateway to more treatments for your patients as well. They seek out more treatments when they have this beautiful white smile. And I can’t thank Misty and Sage enough for bringing this right out front and for helping us to carry actually, which originally was a tradition by our founder, an area and a positioning of dual whitening has been amazing. It’s been amazing for growth and I just love partnering with Sage on this monumental and unbelievable treatment program that Misty’s created. It’s incredible.

Misty Mattingly:

Thank you [inaudible]. It really means a lot because it really [inaudible].

Jaycee Memminger:

I mean, it’s incredible. And I will say one more thing, at Dykema, and I know you’re going to bring this up, but at Dykema, I was asked so many times, I have to tell you both, “Why in the world would you put your whitening on display? Why in the world would you do that? It makes no sense. What if?” These what ifs. “What if it fails? What if somebody gets sensitivity? What if you don’t get 12 shades or up to 12 shades?” I said, “I am so confident that this will work. I will leave it an open air whitening area.” Bill, you saw it. You could walk in, you could watch the whitening. We had competitors coming in and saying, “Oh my gosh, I cannot believe, first of all, that you put this on display, and second of all, how well it’s working.” We whitened every 30 minutes on the 30 minute and we whitened a hundred attendees at Dykema the same way that Misty does it in practice at Sage and saw unbelievable results. It’s amazing. Thank you. I can’t thank you enough, and GLO cannot thank you enough, to be honest.

Misty Mattingly:

Well, like I said, I love it and I have fun with, “Hey, let’s get glowing.” I come up with all these fun things with my team, which I think has also been fun for them, because they’re like, “Hey, I got to go. I got to go get glowing.” And they just joke around about it. And for me, the hygienists have really liked it because a lot of times people think bleaching is just doctor, and really what we see in the field with hygiene is they want the ability to be able to do more, to be thought as a provider, to be able to provide more care to their patients. And GLO provides them that opportunity and it really is something they are having fun with. And I think that’s the most important piece is because it’s a new procedure for them, so it’s something that they’re new and they’re growing, they’re learning something different. They get great results with their patients. It’s quick and easy and they’re just really having fun with it.

And it’s really been the teams that have really had so much… Even our MOs have, our OMS and our doctors, they’re so engaged in wanting to be a part of it and really do that. And so it’s really been a lot of fun and I’m really excited, and Jaycee’s been a great partner with our GLO Night event that we’re going to be doing. I had always said, everybody does these Botox parties and stuff. I said, “Why can’t we have a GLO party?” We are going to have our first ever GLO party and it’s going to be a lot of fun and I’m excited to see the results that we get. But the great thing about GLO too is there is no sensitivity and you get results. The patients go and they tell people about it, so we’re getting a lot of referrals from it.

And the other thing, Jaycee’s right, a lot of times when these patients get whitened… I did one on somebody recently and soon as I was done, I was filming it for something that we’re training we were doing. And soon as I was done with it, she goes, “Can I get this filling replaced?” And I was like, “Absolutely, let’s talk with our doc about it.” And so it opens up more restorative too for the doctors that a lot of people don’t think about it first, but it really does because it starts that conversation.

And then two, what we do as far as our protocol, and I think that everybody should do this, is take a shade on every patient because that’s really important to take a shade so you have a starting place. And it also starts that conversation, and one of the things I always train my team is I say, “Hey, give it to your patients.” And I give them, the patient, the shade guide, and then I let them select their color and they’re like, “Oh, this is where I could be.” And so it really starts that conversation, opens up a lot of opportunity for GLO in your practices.

Bill Neumann:

Tell me a little bit more, I’m intrigued by these events that you’re doing or planning on doing. Tell me, you talked about, I guess this has been done in Botox, but how are you approaching existing patients and how do you get the message out to them?

Misty Mattingly:

Yeah, we’re actually, we’re sending email communication out to our patients pertaining to it. We’re doing a one night special for them, so it’s a one night only and we’re really glowing it up. We’re having lighted name tags and we have things to give the patients. We’re really making it a fun expose. We want it to be something that when they leave, they go tell everybody else, because ultimately, I would love to do these GLO events maybe once a quarter in different regions and so forth, because I just think it’s a great opportunity for our patients and our staff. They’re really having fun with this evening hour piece, which I really did not think that they were going to do it. When I first said, “Hey, what do you guys think about doing a GLO Night?” I was like, “Oh.” I was like, “I’m going to get crickets.”

And people were like, “Hold up. That’s actually a good idea.” And the hygienists were really excited about doing it and being a part of it and they have owned it. This is the first thing ever, I feel like, that I’ve been very hands off here and I’ve said, “Here’s the idea.” I challenged somebody to do it and run with it, and they totally have. They’ve set it up. They’ve had calls with our marketing team. I was on those to help guide them, but I really let them lead it. My team is growing through this process as well, and the hygienists are having a lot of fun and so they’re super excited. I cannot wait to see what this turns out, how this turns out. I know it’s going to be successful because so many of them are putting so much effort into it and their passion for this product is really showing.

Bill Neumann:

That’s great. It makes a lot of sense and it’s nice to hear that the team is excited about it as well and super unique idea. Jaycee, can we talk little, we talked about your partnership with Sage Dental, but in general, talk about how you form these partnerships with different DSOs and emerging groups because you have all shapes and sizes out there of groups, different stages of scaling up. Tell us a little bit about how you and GLO partner with the group practices out there.

Jaycee Memminger:

Well, when I first got here, to be honest with you, it was, I need everybody to know who GLO is first. And now the dynamic has switched and everybody’s contacting GLO. We service single unit practices right on up to multi hundreds of unit DSOs. We listen, we really, truly listen. I truly listen. I find out what they need, what they’re experiencing, what they’re using, and GLO is very good at supporting our DSOs. I can tell you for sure just the events that have been mentioned, we are supporting with our GLO T-shirts, our GLO swag, our presence, our anything that our DSO needs, or DSOs need, we put ourselves behind it. We go in, we find out what the needs are, what they’re looking for, possibly what they’re using, what they like, what they don’t like, and we try to solve problems. We really, really do.

And we try to answer their patients’ asks and they ask for short treatment times. We’ve answered that call. They ask for no sensitivity. We’ve answered that call. They ask for glowing results. We’ve answered that call. And I feel that GLO is very good, and my team personally, who worked directly for our CEO. I have huge support from Rick Hynes, he’s our CEO. He puts everything behind Strategic Markets and behind the growth of Glow with our partners. I can honestly tell you that we like to plan fun things. We really like to see huge growth and we like to basically duplicate what we’re doing in other DSOs in a way that suits anyone of any size. And we have an incredible hygiene team, hygiene education team that goes out, that helps, that assists, that gets in the field. We have a network of hygienists that actually work per diem for GLO that can go out and help and do lunch and learns, demonstrations, any type of instruction that’s needed.

And then we have some incredible training pieces, modules, and of course, we have a marketing machine. And I have to say that, our VP of marketing, Andrea, she’s amazing. We have an unbelievable marketing machine that we help to partner with our partners’ marketing teams so that we can alleviate some of the extra effort and provide them with just about anything they may need. We have these amazing light up displays that show GLO, exactly what it does, what it looks like. We have incredible pieces that can be used to motivate customers, and Misty said it, take a shade. We provide everyone with this amazing shade guide and we want them to take a shade. We want them to see exactly what their patients are looking for and we help them get it.

Right here, right now, I will stand before you and say that I am mesmerized by how many DSOs have reached out and how many emerging groups have reached out to try to get glowing. That’s the best that I can put it. And we’re growing, our team is growing. We have hired so many amazing people. We have many more people starting at GLO within the next month or so, and everyone has experience and expertise in this space and that is something that’s extremely unique. They understand the product, they understand the customer, they understand the educational component of what we’re doing, as well as how to extrapolate better ROI, or how to help our DSOs close more cases, or how to help them get people to do more restorative work or patients to do more restorative work.

And I think that’s where GLO is focusing right now completely. I’d say a hundred percent of GLO is behind this space, and I would welcome anyone to try… Misty, I’m going to tell them, they reach out to you all the time anyway, have a conversation with Misty, have a conversation with myself. She mentioned earlier today when I was talking to her who’s reached out and whatnot. We’re here to try to bring whitening to everyone, Bill. That’s as honest as I can be.

Misty Mattingly:

Yeah, Jaycee has been a great partner. I will say that. She absolutely, anytime I’ve said, “Hey Jaycee, I need this,” or, “I had this whole idea of doing this, like a GLO week,” she was ready, “What do you need from me? What can I get you?” She got my team T-shirts. We all were in all of our GLO attire. She’s been fabulous to work with and providing exceptional support, which I can’t say I always get across the board from every company that we’ve ever worked with, but what I have seen in GLO is they are so dedicated to ensuring that their customers are taken care of and the patients are happy with their product.

And she’s, every single thing, I mean, all the way down to somebody, I don’t know, ran over a GLO thing. She has been so on top of it and it’s been really good to see because we had had a little change in leadership, and so I was like, “Oh,” and Jaycee has been just a breath of fresh air and it’s been really good to partner and I just want to say thank you Jaycee, because it really has been really good to partner and get to know you as we work together here.

Jaycee Memminger:

You’re welcome, and thank you. And I know what she’s talking about. It wasn’t run over. Heat activates whitening. They had had a client that left, well, take home whitening in the sun on the dashboard of their vehicle, and it literally activated the vials, the whitening, and it really inactivated the efficacy of the product and we replaced it. Now we have a really nice warning about heat and whitening on everything.

Misty Mattingly:

Right, and that is one of the things that we didn’t know about at first, that we need to make sure that we give it to our patients, that they don’t leave it out in the sun because it does activate, the heat does activate the solution. And that has been the only patient issue I have ever had. I’m going to knock on wood somewhere.

Jaycee Memminger:

I’m going to knock on some too. But right now, obviously, it’s been an extremely hot summer, so I can tell you’re going to have to repeat this over and over and over. What’s unique about GLO is heat and light, the heat and the mouthpiece. We know that heat accelerates and activates whitening, but not only does it activate it, it accelerates it. The worst place to put a whitening product is in the sun, or in a hot car.

I would like to say one thing. We do not require refrigeration. There’s many other whitening products out there that require refrigeration. Our vials are hermetically sealed and they do not require any type of refrigeration. Having said that, we have gone through an extremely hot summer, so we have modified how we ask to store. We’ve always said cool, dry area to store your product in, even in back office, anywhere. Never put it in the sun, never put it in the window. But with this hot summer, we now have stickers and warnings and, “Do not leave this in your car. Do not leave this…” We’ve gone above and beyond now to try to say, “Heat will activate and accelerate our product.” Direct sunlight or in a hot car in a hot room is not the place to put GLO at this time. Thank goodness the fall is coming and we should see a little relief in temperatures.

But having said that, another unique thing about GLO is that refrigeration is not required. That’s something that I know is out there. Dental practices don’t usually have a lot of space to refrigerate product. We’re very lucky that our product has been designed to not require refrigeration. It’s another pro for GLO.

Misty Mattingly:

It is a pro, for sure.

Jaycee Memminger:

It’s a pro.

Misty Mattingly:

You are correct. We do not have a lot of space.

Bill Neumann:

Jaycee, you mentioned the Dykema Whitening Lab and how well that went and yeah, it was, I think you pretty much had no space left. People had signed up and there were people trying to get in and they had to be turned away unfortunately, because you had so many appointments. Talk about some of the other partnerships you have. I guess I’ll talk about one that’s coming up and is really because it’s part of what we do here at Group Dentistry Now, we have an emerging groups to watch, award ceremony. We’ve been doing this now for the past three years at the DSO Leadership Summit that’ll be coming up in Austin, Texas in October, and GLO Science is a proud sponsor and we thank you for sponsoring that event.

It’s going to be on October 13th, Friday the 13th, it’s the lucky Friday the 13th, and we do a dinner and fancy award ceremony. Everybody gets dressed up and the top emerging groups to watch of 2023 get to accept their awards, talk a little bit about the growth of their DSO and get to celebrate with everybody. It’s a really cool event. And GLO Science is celebrating that with us and helping us sponsor that. It’ll be at a place called the Speakeasy in downtown Austin. You have to be part of the DSO Leadership Summit, but I’ll drop some links in the show notes so you can find out how to be part of that. But I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that GLO was supporting that and we appreciate that.

Jaycee Memminger:

Yes, we look forward to that. We were also asked today to provide some amazing swag for that event as well. Bill, you don’t even know about that yet. And we’re also giving your award winners our whitening to have as well so that they’re able to do this, get this beautiful smile and get glowing. We’re going to provide that as well, and I am so excited about that event. I can tell you in the time I’ve been here, which is just about a year, we have sponsored a lot of things. We’ve had a lot of fun. I’m a member of Women in DSO. We supported Women in DSO, their Empower and Grow Lounge, and we had take home whitening for everyone that was there that attended on a first come… Everything’s on a first come first serve basis. I’m looking forward to the Leadership Summit and sponsoring that event, I can’t even tell you, and providing more whitening and some awesome GLO swag for your attendees.

And Dykema was just something that was invented. I called it a whitening lab. It came out of nowhere. Of course, we had to get permission from Brian and from Dykema to be able to do it. And yes, we sold it out in 10 minutes. We put the link on LinkedIn for two chairs, for every available slot, we literally sold out 10 minutes. I was actually told next year I will need a lot more chairs and I’m okay with that because I think we would sell out every chair. We did have a wait list of over a hundred more attendees that wanted to be whitened, which is incredible. And we had some very important… Everyone was very important to us, but we had some awesome Dykema VIPs in those chairs. We made room for as many people as we possibly could have. And I can honestly say that I myself was mesmerized by the results that people were seeing.

We had a gentleman there that had some pretty bad tetracycline staining and he actually went almost 15 shades. That was incredible with multiple people watching. It wasn’t just me standing there. We probably had 15 or 16 people standing there when he got his results. They were incredible. It’s not everyone gets to every shade. That’s why we have, thanks to Misty, additional whitening when you get home with our take home whitening kit going along with the patient home. And I can tell you our average shade was anywhere from seven to nine shades on average, most people getting close to 12 if they had that far to go. And like I said, we had someone have incredible results, didn’t think their teeth could ever be whitened. And I’ll do it again. I will do it again at Dykema if they allow me to. Brian will allow me to, I will be more than happy to get more chairs and do it again.

Misty Mattingly:

And I was going to say, the tetracycline stain has been, the fact that you were able to do that is incredible because most whitening products out there, they’re always a little questionable on results, but what I’ve really seen with GLO is it works with all teeth, tetracycline, yellows, grays. And so it’s really successful, and that’s the key thing is it works and you don’t have to really case select, “Hey, I’ll only use this for the ones that are yellow, and I’ll only use this one for the ones that are grays.” You could really use GLO for all patients, which is unique and different about it. That’s another pro.

Jaycee Memminger:

It is. I’m lucky to be here. I have the best story ever. I came from another whitening product. I came here, I have the best story. Why would I do it? I would only do it if I found the answer. This in the arena of whitening, this is by far the newest technology and shows the most promise and the most results for sure. And we are having unbelievable growth with this line, and we’re looking to add more products to it, so more to come. And we have some unique partnerships that are coming up. One is with vVARDIS. I consider the vVARDIS co-CEOs, Haleh and Golnar, business associates, but they’re also my friends and they have a post whitening serum that helps to prevent more staining going forward. We’re doing some great things with vVARDIS coming up.

And then right from Shark Tank, the FunkkOff girls, we have Sonia and Joelle, we are working on just teasing a little bit right now. We have some amazing partnerships coming with FunkkOff as well. We’re looking to really GLO and grow in this space, I can tell you for sure. Great things to come from GLO for sure, and great partnerships to keep being developed. And we have some amazing, like I said, partnerships coming with vVARDIS and FunkkOff, and we couldn’t be happier. We could not be happier with the opportunity that’s in front of us.

Bill Neumann:

Misty, I have a question for you because now we got a little bit of a teaser on what’s to come for GLO, but tell us a little bit about the future of Sage Dental, and maybe it doesn’t have to be the whole thing, but on the hygiene side, what are your thoughts and where do things go?

Misty Mattingly:

Well, hygiene, I mean, just as a company, we’re going to continue to grow and we really want to bring more hygienists and more doctors, everybody into our… We really have created a culture and a space that I think is unique and different, and I really want to get as many hygienists here at Sage because I feel like we’ve really created this really, honestly and truly, it’s just unique and different. It’s a culture that we have, this family, and we utilize technology here at Sage. I imagine we’re going to be bringing on more technology. I mean, that’s one of Dr. Rourke’s strong suits. She loves technology. Her and I share that. We’re going to be utilizing technology to help us grow and to provide resources for providers, both hygienists and doctors.

And then I’m excited about this vVARDIS partnership too here with GLO. We love vVARDIS. I know Haleh and Golnar as well, and they have created such dynamic products, and I’m really excited to what’s coming from them that we can add because that’s another technology piece that we can add and put into the hands of our clinicians. And the same thing with GLO, whatever they’re coming out with, first off, they’ve been great products for us, so I can foresee us doing lots more if they’re going to continue to grow as well. But for Sage, we’re really on this growth. We really want to change and impact the world, creating this culture and a place, a space for our providers, but then also a great affordable place for our patients to come and receive care.

Bill Neumann:

And Misty, if anybody in the audience wants to maybe find out more about your relationships with GLO or anything that’s going on, and maybe we have some docs or hygienists in the audience that might want to either potentially partner with Sage or look for a career at Sage, how do they find out more about Sage and how do they get in touch with you?

Misty Mattingly:

Well, they can always email me at, and they can also check out our website. There’s information on our website about being a provider, or if you’re interested in us acquiring your practice as well, we have information on that, and that’s how you can reach out to us.

Bill Neumann:

We’ll drop your email address in the show notes, and then also it’s is the URL, the website for Sage to find out all about what’s going on at Sage. And lastly, Jaycee, how do people get in touch with you if they’re interested in bringing in GLO to their emerging dental group or their DSO? How do they do that and how do they find out more information on GLO? What’s the website?

Jaycee Memminger:

They can get more information in the US at, and in Canada, which we’re very, very happy to now be available in Canada, especially with our new partner, 123, that is We have a US-based website and we have a Canadian based website as well. And they can also reach out to me at And from the website, you can also be directed to our Strategic Markets team, and believe me, we’ll get back to you right away and I would be happy to speak to anyone that needs any type of assistance, and my team is ready to answer any questions that you have.

Bill Neumann:

That’s great. Well, thank you both and we’ll drop that information in the show notes as well, but thank you Jaycee and thank you Misty for being on the Group Dentistry Now Show. And until next time, I’m Bill Neumann. Thanks for watching.

Speaker 1:

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